Moar stuffs but also nails (yay)
All right so I've got some more talking I want to do but I do have a picture of a manicure I did many moons ago to tide you over. This is Color Club Blue-topia with Finger Paints Flecked on top.Aaand now to what we have to discuss.
1. I have gotten a carpload of entries for the contest. Like... probably around 100 or so. Which is kind of a heck of a lot of names to vote on. So I was wondering, would you guys mind if I narrowed it down to like a top 50 or something? Maybe even less? I just don't know what would be best... or I could let you guys vote on names in groups and then have a final vote with the winners from all of the sections. If you have any suggestions on how to make this easier, please do share! I would really appreciate it.
2. So I kind of completely forgot my blogaversary... It was the 28th! I don't really have time to reflect on things right now but YOU ALL DESERVE A ROUND OF APPLAUSE
And I also just want to say...
Yeah, I like gifs. So what.
Yay comments! Whenever you leave a comment, a triple rainbow happens.
**I don't like having to say this, but I must: Do not link drop! I don't care if you tell me you want to send me a million dollars, if you leave a link in your comment, I'm deleting it. I work hard for any and all traffic I get, and stealing it is a major no-no! Follow blogging etiquette, please.**