Monday, March 12, 2012

That's Not My Name


So, this contest is not based on nail art or franken ability, but there is still a creative element involved. I have whipped up a crazy franken that one of you will be lucky enough to receive if you can come up with the cleverest name for it. And because I love tying everything into song, here's the one that I wittily named this competition after:

That's Not My Name - The Ting Tings

All right! Let's get to the franken, shall we? 

Voila! I hope you guys like it, I was feeling pretty proud when I whipped it up!

What's that? You want to know what else you can win? Well I'll tell ya!


China Glaze Lightning Bolt and Black Mesh, Essie Coat Azure and Fair Game

Borghese Stellare Notte, Essence Where Is The Party?, Urban Outfitters Yellow, a no name City Colors

oke.doke. Steal This Teal, Zoya Faye, OPI Gargantuan Green Grape Matte, Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Rockstar Pink

Just so we're clear, all of these polishes have been used only by me, and they have only been used once each. There's nothing wrong with them, I just don't love them as much as I should and they deserve someone who will appreciate them.

Which is where you come in! Here's how things are going to work.

1. You can submit names starting now until March 31st, 11:59 pm (this giveaway WILL be open internationally, don't worry about time zones and all, if it's before that time where you live you can still submit names).

2. You can submit up to two names. If you send me more than two names, I will delete any after the first two. If you think of something brilliant after you've already submitted two names, you can send in another one along with a comment telling me which of the other names you submitted that you want this one to replace. (I hope that made sense...)

3. Voting will begin April 1st. I'm not sure how long I want it to last, does a week sound good to you guys?

4. The winner will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to respond. If they do not respond within that time frame, the runner-up will be contacted, and so on.

Okay, I thiiink that's about it. I'm not making following my blog mandatory for this giveaway because I know not everyone has the option with GFC anymore and I don't know how to verify any other methods, but I would really appreciate it if you did. If you have any questions or I forgot anything, drop me a comment or send me an email! ALSO! When I display the names for voting, I'm not going to say who came up with them. I want it to be anonymous so nobody has an advantage follower-wise.

I tried using Rafflecopter but it was just too confusing for me. So many options! I couldn't handle it.

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**I don't like having to say this, but I must: Do not link drop! I don't care if you tell me you want to send me a million dollars, if you leave a link in your comment, I'm deleting it. I work hard for any and all traffic I get, and stealing it is a major no-no! Follow blogging etiquette, please.**