Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Serena by OPI duo

And here is the last Serena by OPI duo that was released, sorry but I don't remember what it was called! US open? French open? I can't remember. Anyway, it begins with Love Is a Racket.

This is two coats. Love is a Racket is a cherry red polish with magenta mini-flakies. It's really pretty and reminds me of a bright red version of the fuchsia Meep-Meep-Meep from the Muppets collection.

The companion polish in this set is Pros & Bronze. I layered one thin coat of it over Love is a Racket.

It's so pretty! Pros & Bronze adds a gorgeous sparkle to Love is a Racket and the overall color is kind of an orangey coppery shimmery mess of loveliness.

Do you like these two together? I think they're perfect!

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