Friday, February 17, 2012

Guest Post - Polish Amor

For our next guest post we have a lovely lady from Polish Amor taking the helm for today! She's really wonderful and a fellow Houstonian, so I am proud to present this post to you!
"Hello Laura readers, I’m taking over for a day :) Unfortunately I am not as funny and witty as Laura is
:( so bare with me :-P I love to read Laura’s post they always make me laugh, I specifically like that she post as many pictures as I do..... the more the better I say! I was very excited when Laura asked me to do a guest post for her, hope you guys like it!!!
Final Mani:

I first started with two layers of Zoya Savita, which turns out to be an amazing matte polish!

Then I did some subtle stamping using Glitter Gal Silver 3D Holo and Konad m83, this really didn't turn out as I had pictured it in my head...

Sooooo I added more stamps from the same plate Konad m83 using ManGlaze Mayonnaise which happens to be another awesome matte polish...

It looked pretty cool matted, but I KNOW how much Laura LOVES Shimmmmmmaaaaaaaaa So I added a top coat and OMG the Glitter Gal really shines thru :) This looked 1000000 times better in person, but you get the idea....

Thanks for having me here today! Hope you all have a great day...
What a wonderful post! I am super jealous because I really want that Glitter Gal, it's fantastic! I would also love to have some ManGlaze too. I love this stamping, those designs are so adorable! If you enjoyed this post from Polish Amor (I did :) Then you should go FOLLOW HER NOWWW!

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