Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Guest Post - lovebeangirl

Well happy day after Valentine's Day, all! I find myself in the peppiest of moods, golly gee the world is a beautiful place. This kind of sums up how I'm feeling right now:

Moving on! Another lady that makes me happy is Tyne from lovebeangirl. She's wonderful and is always so sweet and has lovely nails! And today she is going to entertain all you lucky readers.

"Hello everyone, my name is Tyne, So nice to meet all of Laura's lovely followers. I am so excited an honored to do a guest post for Laura she is seriously the sweetest and her blog is one that I check almost daily. So onto the nails I have for you today, I had seen a tutorial on nailside ( that she did so well that it looked do-able even for me. I have seen a lot of other bloggers already try this, and have great success. So I too wanted to give it a go. I think it came out pretty good and Im pretty happy with it.

The polishes I used were:
orly snowcone
orly flirty
opi funky dunky

Okay well that's all I got so it was a pleasure, and thanks again Laura."

Thank you Tyne! I've seen this one before too, it's really pretty and I think Tyne did a great job of copying it, I love the color choice! The pink shimmer peeking out between the blue and purple is so cute.

If you like what you see (and I'm sure you do) then you should FOLLOW TYNE NOW!!!

That is all for today, my beauties. Until next time, I bid you adieu!

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