Saturday, April 14, 2012

Zoya Kristen + Essie As Gold As It Gets

Helloooo everyone! How are you on this fine April the 14th? Well, I hope?

Today I am going to share with you Zoya Kristen topped with the versatile Essie As Gold As It Gets.

Ah, so lovely. This is two coats of Kristen followed by one of As Gold As It Gets. I love the subtle, antiqued effect, it's so delicate and pretty.

All right everyone, two things I want to ask about.

1. Would you care sharing the links to your favorite indie polish brands? I've been itching to get some lately, and Ninja Polish is always sold out. Stuff like NerdLacquer and Lacquerized, and there's so many others I can't think of right now.

2. I have gotten a freaking bajillion votes for the contest and the vast majority are for one name. By vast majority I mean no one else is even remotely close, which gives me slight pause. I'm going to send a verification email to all of the addresses that were entered in the voting just to check things out since I want this to be as fair as possible. Just a heads up in the interest of full disclosure! The winner will be announced tomorrow.

May you all have a lovely weekend!

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