Friday, April 6, 2012

Joe Fresh Twilight

Good evening, my beauties. I will first petition you to vote in my franken-naming contest if you have not done so by now. I got more entries than votes which doesn't really make sense to me, so please take the short amount of time necessary and vote! The more votes there are, the more fair the results are. I think. Whatever.

Today I have another beauty from the fabulous A Polished Touch. She kindly offered to get me Revlon Whimsical and Naughty since I couldn't find them, but imagine my surprise when I opened her package and found Joe Fresh Twilight nestled in there!

This is 2 coats of Twilight over 1 coat of Wet n Wild Black Creme. Twilight is a black jelly base with orange to green flakies and it is simply wonderful. I've seen it on blogs a few times but didn't have any hope of every immediately getting my eager hands on it because Joe Fresh is only available in Canada.

Ahh I really love this one. I don't think my pictures do it justice... I'll have to do a reswatch and get it outside in the sun. I am very happy to have this beautiful gem in my collection!

This wraps up all my goodies from A Polished Touch, and I want to say a

to her because she's awesome. :)


  1. Your so lucky! What a sweetheart to sneak such an awesome, much sought after polish in there! yes I do be jealous! Looks gorg on you!

  2. P.s I already voted, some
    Really cute and creative names!


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**I don't like having to say this, but I must: Do not link drop! I don't care if you tell me you want to send me a million dollars, if you leave a link in your comment, I'm deleting it. I work hard for any and all traffic I get, and stealing it is a major no-no! Follow blogging etiquette, please.**