Saturday, April 21, 2012

China Glaze Smoke and Ashes + Luxe and Lush

All righty, here is our second-to-last installment of the Hunger Games series! At least everything I got from it. Today's mani begins with Smoke and Ashes, which represents district 12.

Wow I'm really feeling like I should do a reswatch of this because this looks like poop compared to the actual thing. This is two coats of Smoke and Ashes, which is a black polish with loads of blue/green/gold? shimmer. It's very nice and I like it a lot.

Now I also picked up Luxe and Lush so I decided to try it on top of Smoke and Ashes.

Luxe and Lush is the type of flakie topcoat that has the broken mirror sort of look, the edges are more jagged and sharp looking and it doesn't lie as flat as most flakies. The formula wasn't the best and it was kind of hard to get the distribution right but with a little adjustment all was well. I'd like to try this one over a wider variety of colors as well, I'm sure there are many interesting possibilities out there! Have you guys tried any cool combos with Luxe and Lush? Have any suggestions for me? I'm all ears!


  1. I tried Luxe and Lush over Orly Snowcone, and it looked pretty cool because Snowcone is similar to the light blurpley color the flakes reflect in direct sunlight!

  2. I'm loving this combo, I haven't tried any of my hunger games polishes, shame on me.


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