Wednesday, March 28, 2012

No nails tonight, but a few things to discuss

Good evening my lovelies! How are you all?

No manicure tonight but there's a few things I want to address.

1. My contest ends in 3 days on March 31st at 11:59 pm! So if you haven't already, go submit some names! Look there's priiiizes:

I've gotten a few names that I really enjoy! Although in the end it's going to be up to you guys, but I'm loving everyone who submitted puns and song titles.

2. So Disqus is definitely not working all the time because I keep getting more and more Blogger comments. The majority is still Disqus, but it's obviously not loading for all of you. I really don't know what the problem is or what to do about it. Any suggestions???

3. I've gotten an influx of new followers recently and I just wanna say hollaaaa and you rock for following me.


And also since I'm too lazy to go try to hunt down all your blogs, I would like to invite you to share them with me in the comments section of this post! I'd love to check them out :)

Aaand that is all for today. I love ya, over and out!

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**I don't like having to say this, but I must: Do not link drop! I don't care if you tell me you want to send me a million dollars, if you leave a link in your comment, I'm deleting it. I work hard for any and all traffic I get, and stealing it is a major no-no! Follow blogging etiquette, please.**