Friday, March 2, 2012

Hey look I actually did something vaguely cool

So this is the first nail art I've done in approximately 5 bajillion years and goshdarnit I am PROUD.

I started off with 3 coats of OPI Pros & Bronze. Yeah, it's a little sheer, but it's really pretty! It's got a kind of shift from predominantly pinkish flecks to more orangey looking.

And then I kind of just... did that... I taped off my nails diagonally and stamped it with the circley pattern and then used a nail art pen to draw the lines along the edge of the design. I thin kit looks pretty great! I'm trying to get more inventive with stamping rather than just stamping color-on-color because that gets old.

Anywho guys, I would like to ask you for some nail-art inspiration. Have you seen anything really awesome that I should try? Or maybe you have a super cool idea that you'd like to share. Or you could just give me a random word and see if it inspires me. I'm really up for anything!

Also, I am just in the most fantastic mood today. I really am somewhat distracted because I'm listening to One Direction right now... Judge me as you should. I would judge me if I was in your shoes. Really, I tend to look down on anyone who enjoys boy bands but... They're British. I can only resist for so long! THE ACCENTS HOLD POWER OVER ME. Not to mention they are completely ADORABLE.

I mean how can you argue against that?

I have no shame. I'll just stop talking now.

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