Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Guest Post - Sparkly Vernis

Good evening, lovely readers! Tonight we have our first guest post, and I am so excited! Today's manicure comes to you courtesy of Alexandra at Sparkly Vernis.

"A big THANKS to Laura for letting me do this, I am thrilled to be here. I usually do layering combinations on my blog, but this nail polish was amazing by itself. I have always liked Japanese brands, but this is the first time I've tried Tins. Why is it so special? Well if you look at the glitter it's not the common round or hex, it's actually square! I love the way this shines, and how it's not gritty at all. This shade of pink is one of my favorites, and I know Laura loves glitter, so that's why I chose this one.

Layering Order:
Qtica Basecoat
3 coats Estessimo Tins 051 Kate's Gossip
Barielle Manicure Extender"
How very sparkly and wonderful! I love how the glitter looks in the last picture in the bottle, ugh I just want to throw myself off a cliff because it's SO BEAUTIFUL.
A giant thank-you-I-owe-you-cupcakes-or-something to Alexandra for being a lovely guest blogger! She always posts beautiful manicures and is so creative in her layering! And she always shares her "Layering Order" (I think of it as her trademark) so that you know exactly what she did.
You should definitely check her out and FOLLOW HER NOW because she's awesome.

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