Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Guest Post - Eye Heart It

Today's guest post is courtesy of a lovely lady by the name of Larie who runs a fabulous blog called Eye Heart It. She is really freaking awesome and does really amazing posts! I know you'll enjoy this so here she is!
"Hi everyone! I'm Larie. *blush* When Laura asked me to do a guest post, I may or may not have panicked a little, because while I do post the occasional NOTD or nail polish review...I suck at them. My nails aren't pretty and I don't have any nail art skillzzzzz; usually all I do is slap on two coats of a pretty polish and go "Oooooooooh." Then I wear it until I scratch up my nails (easy, I'm a climber) and repeat the whole process again.

After a bit of flailing (and a mini-consultation with Laura) I decided I could take one of Laura's pretty NOTDs and use it to inspire an eye look. Which is what I did. I'm sorry if you came here to a nail blog expecting...a nail post. Please don't throw tomatoes at me. *puppy eyes* I had permission!!!!!

So I picked this one:

I like blue eye shadow, and I know Laura is a teal fiend, so it was a good choice. Here's the look!

UDPP Eden + Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy, Shiro Cosmetics Desu (pastel blue), A Neat Gun (teal with orange glitter), Veran (dark blue with red glitter), UD 24/7 Glide-on Liner in Binge

I think it might be wearable if you weren't wearing blue (that might be a bit much). But paired with a peachy brown blush and some nude lipstick, you'd be ready for a night on the town! If you did such things. I, being boring, do not. I just walk the dog and scare the neighbors. Anyhoo.
Thanks for having me, Laura! :) And now you may resume your nail posts, bwahaha."
Yay! Larie is really amazing, she is the cutest thing and I enjoy her blog so much! She is where I discovered Thursday Posts and she also does Foodie Fridays that make me drool over my keyboard. I highly recommend FOLLOWING HER!

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